[RPA/Uipath] 두 컬럼으로 Group by하여 최초값만 남기는 방법

2021. 4. 28. 13:48RPA

[RPA/Uipath] 두 컬럼으로 Group by하여 최초값만 남기는 방법



Group by - Data table

@MAHESH1 I’m sorry but I’m not used to the syntax. I get this error message. I try to search for answers but cant find any…



(From p In OldDT.AsEnumerable() Group By x= New With { Key.a =p.Item("A"),Key.b=p.Item("B")} Into Group Select Group(0)).ToArray().CopyToDataTable()

컬럼 A와 B로 구별하여 정렬 뒤 첫 값만 두는 것.